Read more about the article Online Store is Up
mix sign

Online Store is Up

In case you didnt' notice, our online store is up and running. Mainly we are mainly selling 3d printed bee parts until we can get the shipping figured out for…

Read more about the article 8 Longs Started
stack o wood

8 Longs Started

Cut and dimensioned enough 2x12s for eight more long langs.  One of these boxes will be a Cypress hive.  I am a bit excited because I have never worked with…


Cedar Layens Hives are Gone

Finished up the three cedar Layens hives and they were all picked up this past weekend.  This first one is the extra tall one to accommodate the Langstroth conversion frames. …


Where you been?

I can only say I am sorry I have been so bad about posting.  It has been since early January and that is not good.  As usual I have not…

Read more about the article 3 Cedar Layens Build
Levi is happy

3 Cedar Layens Build

My grandson Levi came by and his father sat him on a Layens hive and he thought that was fun!  He is only 3 months old so everything is either…