Started 10 more hives last month. As you can see the pine and cedar covered hives share the same box up to a point. This makes batching out bunch of them at once can speed up the process. The problem is that repeating a task 10 TIMES gets old after the third or fourth one. However, you just power through and keep moving.
The cedar hive was moved to another post but once we got mostly done with that one, we came back to these nine. The have a 3/4″ plywood bottom and an insulated flat lid. The inside of the lid has extra bracing for the 1/4″ inner lining…since it will hang for the rest of it’s life.
Yes, we are almost out of room right now and do not have enough stands to work on all of these at once. There is a bit of transferring the boxes to the workbench and back to the stands. No, that is not too much fun but the stands were built to be the same height as the workbench so it is just sliding on and off. Of course I still have a couple old stands that I have not yet resized…one day.
These hives now have their trim work in place and the legs have been cut but did not get a picture. Once the legs are routed it will be time to tape and epoxy them….36 legs…