Two Cedar 30 frame Long Langs on Location
We build our long langs in various sizes and using a wide range of lumber.
The most popular size is the 30 frame with two divider boards built on 2x12 chassis for strength and insulation. All our long langs have insulated lids to help the bees maintain their own temperatures in the hot Texas sun or in the dead of winter. And no heavy lifting of honey supers!
Long langs can house one colony or by using the divider boards can house multiple smaller colonies...yes, it can also be used as a mating nuc, if desired. We start many nucs in both sides of our boxes and then transfer one of the nucs once they outgrow the box.
These hives cane be built with and without legs. The prices vary depending on the type of wood and the type of lid. We also work with our local metal shop offer long life metal roofs with color options. These are standard now on cedar long hives and the aluminum flashing roof is now an option.

25 Frame
This is a smaller 25 frame long lang built on a 1x12 chassis of pine and holds 25 frames or 23 frames with both dividers installed. It has an insulated lid and uses 3/4" thick pine cover boards over the frames. This hive had no legs to keep the cost down.