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Some more 3D Parts

Picked up some Apimaye hives and wanted to add some different colors that they didn’t offer and also utilized the label slot to add some colored numbers and entrance gates…pretty happy with the results.

Also created a 1″ frame feeder to test this summer.  It is super annoying that a 5 frame nuc cannot hold 4 frames plus a frame feeder because they are wider than 1 3/8″.  I wish that manufacturers would realize this and make skinny ones…I do not need to feed a whole gallon to a small nuc!

Printed out a mason bee house to see if it works as well as a cedar one I purchased.  They are setup on the backside of the chicken coop but unfortunately they have not had anyone move into either one.  My guess is that the rain suddenly just stopped and it is drying up.  Mason bees need mud, hence the name.

Had a special request to build a top bar model hive and decided it needed their custom logo as well.  I was pretty happy with how it came out and I got to learn a bit more about top bar hives…maybe I will build it some day.