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test sign

Laser and 3d Printing Work

Picked up a 3d printer as another tool for the bee world.  Still working on ways to apply the plastic to my hives…perhaps some gable end caps but still working through some ideas.  It also allows me to print up some additional items to sell at the shows we have been going to.  This little sign was a demo to see if I could make a sign for others.  The catch is how well does the image transfer to a stl file…some images transfer well and others do not.

Also did some laser work for our friends at Fort Bend County Beekeepers….I want one of these short hive tools!  While I was working on this I made up some hive tools of my own…I bet I can come up with some ideas of how to use them.

I do not know why I did not have the laser cut out the logos as I was engraving them but did this on the last batch and it made things much easier some I do not have to square them up before gluing into the lids.