Just knocked out the last 3 hive and got caught up on orders…well a couple more are on the way but way ahead of last year! These three are done but the pictures are about a day behind. They are basic pine flat tops long hives with inner covers instead of cover boards, sugar shims, and an insulated lid
These gabled pine hives were from a few weeks ago. They were part of the same initial batch of 8.

Had a minor issue that would have been a major issue if we hadn’t caught it in time. Wild pigs are not normally a problem for bees but their digging can cause an issue. In this case they dig in front of a few of my hives and in the process, they lifted the hive stand. We believe they lifted it a bit but the high winds we had the next morning blew the hive over. The hive is my experimental “not an apimaye” insulated 10 frame hive. This one is a triple deep and it is pretty heavy…especially since I forgot to add hand-holds!!!
I was able to move the stand and get the hive back up. Some of the plastic foundation had popped out of the frames because of the heavy honey but I got it all back in and the colony was fine.
We had rain coming the next day so I am thankful we caught it in time.