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Free Bees!

It is always fun to catch swarms and we put out “traps” this time of year to encourage swarms to move in.  This swarm box was NOT set out to catch a swarm but it did all the same!  I have several old Layens boxes stacked up in front of the shop and I think it was one of my splits that I did not get to in time.  I was really concerned because I thought the box did not have any frames.  After a couple days I double-checked and there were frames in the box!  I left them for two weeks and checked to see how they were doing.  I mentioned in the other post that the bee balm is crazy good this year and in full flow and they drew out this box fast.  It was loaded with brand new comb…problem is that almost all of it was cross combed and since it was brand new comb and the temps were getting higher it was very fragile.  

So after the initial two weeks I removed the bees (after a bit of cut-out) and moved them into one of my cedar nucs on a Sunday evening.  I never found the queen, even after trying to use the magic tub!  Keep in mind this plastic foundation had rolled-on wax but otherwise these frames were not used.  

Monday evening, barely 24 hours later, I opened the box to confirm they were still there and they had drawn out four frames!  That is outstanding!  I know the flow is on but that is really fast!  Granted not all the frames were completely drawn, but there was already nectar stored…no eggs yet so still not certain the queen is there.  I was able to complete some frames and gave them a new freshly waxed frame in the last slot.

Checked again on Wednesday and found eggs!  WHOOP!  Even better than had three frames full of nectar…crazy good.  That told me that we need to seriously consider moving them into a bigger box.  Only issue is that I am very short on 10 frame boxes.

Saturday I picked up an apimaye bottom board from a friend for a great price and was pretty impressed with it.  It will make transporting bees almost as easy as a full apimaye.  I really did not remember that I had this cedar box but what better way to complement each other than screwing this bottom to a cedar box.  

Sunday evening I transferred the colony from the nuc into this 10 frame single.  Still hard to believe that they went from basically NOTHING to a 10 frame box in a week.  The flow is drying up but they are still bringing in some nectar and they had pollen.  I will be feeding this hive through the summer but should be a strong colony next spring.  Plus this colony is super nice!  That is uncommon in my yards but trying to make splits from nice and hard working colonies and this will definitely be a colony to graft from!