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Lot of cedar!

First Build Post

This past week I had some old dead cedar logs milled and went to pick them up.  Nothing quite like unloading a trailer in the hot Texas sun into a metal shop…in July.  Yes, I really should have waited until closer to dark or at least in the morning but I was pushing to get it done and almost pushed too far.  It seems that no matter how many fans you have, when it is 101 in this part of Texas, you really shouldn’t try to do too much…I am not as young as I used to be!

At least it is all stickered and have a fan blowing on the slabs.  Since these trees had been dead a while they should not take much drying time.  My shop is a metal building with no insulation (that is another story) so it gets plenty hot during the summer and is almost it’s own lumber dryer!  Yes, of course, it is humid in this part of Texas but still pretty good for drying lumber.

The bigger logs were cut into 2″ (8/4 for you wood nerds) and the smaller logs were cut in 1″ (4/4).  Even with the excess amounts of rot in these logs there is still quite a bit of usable wood.